Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I've tried all the other rooms

Its been a pretty busy day here. I've completed 20 links or so, and I've decided to take this pre-lunch time to relax a bit. Had a not-so interesting meeting this morning about how things were going. More of an excuse not to work for 25 minutes, I thought. Which was fine by me..
Don't know what to have for lunch today..am thinking of trying a pizza place even though that's not so healthy. I'm leaving for vacation in a week and a half, and should probably be thinking about what my bathing suit body is going to look like. But..I want pizza.
I am spending this weekend in NYC so I need to take some time to make reservations. I want Cafe Ronda for Sunday brunch, but they don't take reservations. Major bummer. My friend KK did make a res for Crema on Saturday night, so thats handled. I can't wait to take a weekend in my former home. (I spent time in acting school and interning in NYC).
Guess I'll go grab lunch now..

Monday, March 28, 2011

11 oclock number

Its 3pm...1.5 hours to go left in the workday. Had a lovely salad lunch and have been linking away ever since. (OK, I may have taken a few facebook breaks, but mostly linking...)
Now I just made a cup of coffee (thanks, Keurig!) and have Amy Winehouse tunes going as my motivators for the end of the day. My current worry is Easter..an unconventional worry, really. I am going on vacation in two weeks and need to send out an Easter "basket" aka envelope for the boys I used to care for as a nanny. They live in London and while I was their nanny I took care of Easter and I sent them a great package last year, too. Well, the oldest boy, we'll call him "O", has decided to be an atheist. He's 13. Enough said. He got a Christmas gift from me this year that he loved, but I feel like Easter is a little more "Jesus-y" than Christmas. Will he be bothered if I send him some chocolates, eggs, and a bunny? His 10 year old brother, "H", will be getting the Easter works deluxe. I never do for one what I wouldn't do for another. But in this case, what do I do?
Back to linking, I go...

Pre intermission

So its almost lunchtime or "intermission". I am attempting to complete the realtime links that I've been assigned today, but its a very tedious process. I need a lot of distractions and breaks from it, hence the start of my blog career and various Pandora music stations. I'm currently listening to "Adele Radio" and just heard one of my favorites, Merry Happy by Kate Nash.
My friend is bbming me about her lack of employment and unsuccessful job search and I can at the very least be thankful that I am gainfully employed, even if this week of realtimes will be a trying one.
I didn't pack a lunch today (or ever, really) so I will soon venture out to get a salad. Lots of folks here eat at their desks, but I need the fresh air and a new space to stare into. Its too much to be in one place for 8 hours. I also like to take the midday break to get in a little singing in the car. That's where I do all my best practicing.
Speaking of practicing, I have two scenes to memorize this week for the one-act play that I'm doing currently. I'm playing Mrs Trotsky in Variations on the Death of Trotsky in All in the Timing. For anyone who knows the plays, we are doing a completely different take on "Trotsky" and Mrs T is a "girl of my dreams" type. Its been fun so far, but I need to buckle down and memorize.  
I suppose thats all the musing I have for now..I will try to make three more links before lunch and that yummy salad I'm about to have.

It says here...

A person can develop a cold.

Act 1, Scene 1 3-28-11

This is Miss Adelaide's first blog! Not unlike Damon Runyan's "Miss Adelaide", I am a young entertainer trapped a world where I refuse to settle. I have a day job that forces me to spend lots of time on the computer, so look forward to more posts where I muse on the happenings of my day.

To be continued...